Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am sucking air big time

Well, it was probably for the best that I missed the hike on Sunday morning. Yesterday we skipped PT and left early for Evergreen, as per usual. But when we arrived, Owens (a FS guy) led us on a PT hike before beginning cutting for the day. Oof! I was totally sucking air. I haven't done a PT hike in a while but I haven't fallen behind since the very first hike we ever did. It sucked. Well ... it was more like I sucked. But anyway, yeah. It was rough.

And then we had all sorts of issues while cutting. Well, not really. It was more just that Nikki and I were exhausted after the hike so we were moving pretty slowly. She took two trees and I swamped them and then she had me take a tree because she's not too comfortable with the bigger ones. I dropped that one and then I moved on to another which not only sat back on me, but the holding wood snapped and it twisted and got hung up opposite from the direction I was trying to drop it. It ended up pinching the bar, so we had to unscrew the power head from the saw and wrench the bar out, which led to the tree falling. Oy. It was just one of those days that I wanted to forget as soon as possible.

Today was also a little rough. For the rest of the week, we're doing project work on a trail in Left Hand Canyon. We're rerouting some road and so posts need to be installed through which cable will be strung for guard rails. We had to load about five pallets of concrete and then hike all the way up to the top of the road, where we then inserted the posts into the holes and set them with the concrete. Once again, I was sucking air on the hike up the hill. The work before and after the hike was fine, though.

I'm not sure what it is, but I hope I'll move beyond this really discouraging plateau of weakness that suddenly seems to have set in or I'll reacclaimate myself to the altitude (but I really don't think that's it).

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